CWDF, Federation Hold Vegetable

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CWDF, Federation Hold Vegetable-Planting Training for Rural Women

 January 27, 2024

CWDF, Federation Hold Vegetable-Planting Training for Rural Women

Zhangxian Women's Federation in November 2023 organized vegetable-planting training, to help women in Zhangxian (a county in Northwest China's Gansu Province) improve their vegetable-planting techniques, and to encourage women to develop eco-agriculture.

The federation invited women, skilled at planting vegetables, from Shouguang, a city in East China's Shandong Province, and the largest vegetable-distribution center in the country, to share their experiences planting vegetables.

The event, attended by more than 80 rural women, was supported by the Raise Her Business Plan, a project implemented by China Women's Development Foundation (CWDF).

Han Ruxia, a trainee, said she would promote good experiences and skills among rural women, to share methods of attaining wealth with women.


(Women of China English Monthly January 2024 issue)


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